disastrs :: present! :: notes

As you see at the bottom of this, I am in the process of debugging this.

?(?-) (An implementation of conway's game of life
?(?-) (I have the sense that I'm dancing around some very simple thing here, which is why there's so much.)
?(?-) (Applicative order rules)
<> ((?x) (?y) <=!=>) (<> ?x ?y)
<> ((?x) ?. <=!=>) (<> ?x (?.))
<> (?x ?y <=!=>) (<> ?x ?y)
<> (<!> ?x ?y) ((?x) (?y) ?(?x ?x) <=!=>)
?(?-) (Evaluate left-hand-side of rule only)
<> ((?x) <=!=< (?y)) (<> ?x ?y)
<> ((?x) <=!=< ?. ) (<> ?x (?.))
<> (?x <=!=< ?y) (<> ?x ?y)
<> (<!< ?x ?y) ((?x) ?(?x ?x) <=!=< (?y))
?(?-) (Applicative-order lambdas)
<> ((?l ?r) ?. <=!@=>) (?(?l ?r) ?.)
<> (<!@> (?l ?r) ?x) ((?l ?r) ?x ?(?z ?z) <=!@=>)
?(?-) (Function application)
<> (?. <=$=> ?f) (?f ?.)
<> ((?a) <=$=> ?f) (?f ?a)
<> (<$> ?f ?a) (?a ?(?x ?x) <=$=> ?f)
<> $screen-size ((16))
<> $board-offset ((4))
<!> $board-size (($screen-size ($board-offset (2) `*) `-))
<> $live-color ((#ffffff))
<> $dead-color ((#000000))
?(?-) (Utils)
<> (!random) (?((?: ?0 ?1) ?:) rand 0 2)
<> (eq (?x ?x)) #t
<> (eq (?x ?y)) #f
<> ((?0) (?1) `?:) ?:
<> (?x -1) ((?x) (1) `-)
<> (?x +1) ((?x) (1) `+)
<> (read ?: (point ?0 ?1) (?2)) ?:
<> (read ?: (?0 ?1) (?2)) ?:
<> (draw ?: (point ?0 ?1) (?2)) ?:
?(?-) (Initialize the game board)
<!> (?p (0) cell) (draw pixel ?p $dead-color)
<!> (?p (1) cell) (draw pixel ?p $live-color)
<> (handle-event (Tic ?x)) (Conway)
<> (handle-event ?x) (?(?: ?:) (print (Unknown event: ?x \n)))
<> (on-event ?~) (handle-event ?~ on-event Any)
<!< ($board-offset $board-offset init) ()
<!< ($board-offset (?j) init) ($board-size ((?j) (1) `-) init)
<> ((?i) (?j) init) (
  (point ?i ?j) ((0) (2) `rand) cell
  ((?i) (1) `-) (?j) init
<!@> (((?0) (?1) ?:) ?:) ($screen-size $screen-size size)
<!@> ((?0 ?1 (?2) (?3) ?4 ?:) ?:) (0 0 $screen-size $screen-size #ff0000 rect)
?(?-) ($board-size $board-size init)
?(?-) (Conway stuff. We can do standard arithmetic on hexadecimal values.)
<!> (judge $live-color ($live-color (#000002) `*)) $live-color
<!> (judge $live-color ($live-color (#000003) `*)) $live-color
<!> (judge $dead-color ($live-color (#000003) `*)) $live-color
<!> (judge (?c) (?d)) $dead-color
?(?-) (Let's get an incorrect version going first)
<> (Conway) ($board-size $board-size row-to-ram $board-size $board-size Iterate)
<!< ($board-offset $board-offset Iterate) ()
<!< ($board-offset (?y) Iterate) ($board-size ((?y) (1) `-) row-to-ram $board-size ((?y) (1) `-) Iterate)
<> ((?x) (?y) Iterate) (
  copy (0 0) (1 0)
  copy (?x ?y) (0 0)
  (at ?x ?y it's (read @pixel (?x ?y) (#000000)) (sum-neighbors-of ?x ?y))
  draw pixel (point ?x ?y) (judge (read @pixel (?x ?y) (@000000)) (sum-neighbors-of ?x ?y))
  ((?x) (1) `-) (?y) Iterate
?(?-) (Operations)
<> (``?: (?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7)) ?:
<!< (sum-neighbors-of ?x $board-size) (
    (read @pixel ((?x) (1) `- (?y) (1) `-) (#000000)
     read @pixel ( ?x         (?y) (1) `-) (#000000)
     read @pixel ((?x) (1) `+ (?y) (1) `-) (#000000)
     read @pixel ((?x) (1) `- ?y) (#000000)
     read @pixel (1 0) (#000000)
     #000000 #000000 #000000)
<> (sum-neighbors-of ?x ?y) (
    (read @pixel ((?x) (1) `- (?y) (1) `-) (#000000)
     read @pixel ( ?x         (?y) (1) `-) (#000000)
     read @pixel ((?x) (1) `+ (?y) (1) `-) (#000000)
     read @pixel ((?x) (1) `- ?y) (#000000)
     read @pixel (1 0) (#0)
     read @pixel ((?x) (1) `- 0) (#000000)
     read @pixel ( ?x         0) (#000000)
     read @pixel ((?x) (1) `+ 0) (#000000))
<> (copy (?a ?b) (?c ?d)) ( draw pixel (point ?c ?d) (read @pixel (?a ?b) (#000000)))
<!> ($board-offset (?r) row-to-ram) ()
<> ((?x) (?r) row-to-ram ) (copy (?x ?r) (?x 0) ((?x) (1) `-) (?r) row-to-ram)
?(?-) (
on-event Any
$board-size $board-size Iterate
?(?-) (Try starting with a simple oscillator)
draw pixel (point 0 0) (#000000)
draw pixel (point 1 0) (#000000)
draw pixel (point 5 6) (#ffffff)
draw pixel (point 6 6) (#ffffff)
draw pixel (point 7 6) (#ffffff)
$board-size (1) row-to-ram
?(?-) (
copy (0 0) (1 0)
copy (?x ?y) (0 0)
draw pixel (point ?x ?y) (judge (read @pixel (?x ?y) (#000000)) (sum-neighbors-of ?x ?y))
draw pixel (point 1 0) (#000000)
read @pixel (7 7) (#000000) sum-neighbors-of 7 7
read @pixel (6 7) (#000000) sum-neighbors-of 6 7
read @pixel (5 7) (#000000) sum-neighbors-of 5 7
?(?-) (
We're drawing a grid like this:
this is (5 5) -> - - - -
                 # # # -
                 - - - -
                 - - - -
this is (8 8) ---------^
We would expect that the first pass would look like this:
(at 8 8 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 7 8 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 6 8 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 5 8 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 8 7 it's (#000000) (16711680)) (1 neighbor)
(at 7 7 it's (#000000) (33554430)) (2 neighbors)
(at 6 7 it's (#000000) (50331645)) (3 neighbors)
(at 5 7 it's (#000000) (33554430)) (2 neighbors)
(at 8 6 it's (#000000) (16711680)) (1 neighbor)
(at 7 6 it's (#ffffff) (16711680)) (1 neighbor)
(at 6 6 it's (#ffffff) (33554430)) (2 neighbors)
(at 5 6 it's (#ffffff) (16711680)) (1 neighbor)
(at 8 5 it's (#000000) (16711680)) (1 neighbor)
(at 7 5 it's (#000000) (33554430)) (2 neighbors) 
(at 6 5 it's (#000000) (50331645)) (3 neighbors) 
(at 5 5 it's (#000000) (33554430)) (2 neighbors) 
Instead we have something fucking crazy like this:
(at 8 8 it's (#000000) (16711680))
(at 7 8 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 6 8 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 5 8 it's (#000000) (16711680))
(at 8 7 it's (#000000) (33488895))
(at 7 7 it's (#000000) (33554430))
(at 6 7 it's (#000000) (50331645))
(at 5 7 it's (#000000) (50266110))
(at 8 6 it's (#000000) (50266110))
(at 7 6 it's (#ffffff) (50331645))
(at 6 6 it's (#ffffff) (83886075))
(at 5 6 it's (#ffffff) (67043325))
(at 8 5 it's (#000000) (33488895))
(at 7 5 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 6 5 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 5 5 it's (#000000) (16711680))
(at 8 4 it's (#000000) (16711680))
(at 7 4 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 6 4 it's (#000000) (0))
(at 5 4 it's (#000000) (16711680))  