disasters :: dated :: notes

    [root] :: [dates] :: [who]
    This site is just me playing in the space, having fun, seeing what sticks.
    Something more interesting may occur here, that is my goal.
    Presently I would like to use DISASTRS as a:
    - personal writing platform (a blog?)
    - sandbox for making art over the internet
    I like the domain because:
    - I find the idea of evil omens & ill portents (bad stars) oddly moving
    - this artist, whose music changed me
    Here are some things I've learned as a result of this project:
    ### Rsync across destination users ###
    Since this is just a bunch of static files in a directory named `site/`
    I figured I could get a dead sinple deployment workflow by rsyncing over
    the files, like so:
      rsync -avP --rsync-path 'sudo -u www rsync' site/ $SSH_HOST:/home/www
    This changes to the `www` user on my remote host before copying to `/home/www`.
    I thought this was rather clever, and now I don't need to worry about knowing
    the (possibly-different) name of my server admin user -- just the `www` user
    ### inotify for iterative site development ###
    So, now I'd like to deploy my new static html every time it changes as I
    edit it. How to? `Inotify`!
    I wrapped up the rsync command above in a script named "static-site", so:
      inotifywait -q -m -r -e modify,create site/ | while read DIRECTORY EVENT FILE; do 
        sh static-site.sh;
    Now I'd like to figure out refreshing my open browser on edit...
    but it's not a priority for tonight.
    - somni 20240608