In this guide I will describe how to write an azure pipeline, The different parts of an azure pipeline, Gotchas to be aware of, and so on.
It is my hope that by writing this, I can spare you much frustration copy-pasting pre-existing azure pipelines and stack-overflow answers that you don't understand
What is an azure pipeline
An azure pipeline is basically a way of telling Azure DevOps that you would - like to run some process - using azure infrastructure
Here are some common use-cases for azure pipelines: - Build automation – testing, building, and pushing a docker image to a container registry - Managing deployments on a kubernetes cluster, or other cloud computing platform - Performing scheduled database maintenance - Miscellaneous automation of Azure infrastructure – using Azure service endpoints
Anatomy of an azure pipeline
I generally like to think of an azure pipeline in two parts:
- Frontmatter
- The Work
The frontmatter contains declarations for your trigger
, variables
, parameters
, and so on
The steps
are where the actual work happens – these are
your your tasks
, scripts
, etc.
Syntax of Frontmatter
99% of my pipelines have frontmatter like this:
pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest variables: - name: foo value: bar - name: duck value: soup # use parameters for more complex objects, for example # I often use these instead of variables if I need to create a pipeline using iteration. parameters: - name: 'environments' type: object default: - name: development namespace: dev filename: DevFileNameOne.txt - name: production namespace: prod filename: ProductionFilenameTwo.txt
Syntax of The Work
The Work contains the work that is “run” during an azure pipeline run. Depending on how complex your pipeline is, it may be organized like so:
- A pipeline consisting of one or more stages
- Each stage containing one or more jobs
- Each job containing one or more step
Each subdivision here can be thought of as an enclosing scope, from
the most gross (pipeline
), to the most granular
This is an important point to get. Here’s the heirarchy again:
Pipeline > Stage > Job > Step
Here is a very bare example of the syntax used:
stages: - stage: Build jobs: - job: displayName: "Build Job A" steps: - task: ... - script: ... - stage: Deploy ...
If your pipeline is simple (one stage, one job), then you may drop
the enclosing stages/jobs
declaration and just define an
array named steps
steps: - task: ... - task: ... - script: ...
Variable and Parameter reference
I’m lifting this straight from the docs:
There are different ways of referencing/expanding variables, according to when you need the variable expanded
Macro syntax - $()
- is used to expand variables at
run-time, just before a task executes. When a variable is not
found, the expression is rendered as-is - i.e., $(foo)
remains $(foo)
if the pipeline has no such variable.
Template Expression syntax - ${{ }}
- is used to expand
variables at compile-time. It can also be used to expand
pipeline parameters, which are not modifiable at run-time. Because of
this, variables expanded with ${{ }}
may be used as
structural elements of a pipeline – i.e. as keys as well
as values.
If a template expression has no value (e.g. in the case a non-existent variable is referenced), then the compiler silently renders it with an empty string at compile-time
Runtime Expression syntax - $[ ]
- is used to evaluate
expressions at run-time. This is commonly used for conditional
execution of jobs
or stages
I usually use $(var)
, but it might be better to use
unless I’m explicitly referencing a
variable I’m expecting to set during runtime.
Here's a handy table, which I stole:
Syntax | Example | When is it processed? | Where does it expand in a pipeline definition? | How does it render when not found? |
macro | $(var) | runtime before a task executes | value (right side) | prints $(var) |
template expression | ${{ variables.var }} | compile time | key or value (left or right side) | empty string |
runtime expression | $[variables.var] | runtime | value (right side) | empty string |
Setting variables between steps
Sometimes you need to "export" a variable from one step to another. You can use logging commands for this.
steps: - script: | echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=hey_there]hot_stuff" - script: | echo $(hey_there) # outputs "hot_stuff"
However, some variables are read-only. These are:
- Output variables, which are set with the flag `isOutput=true`:
##vso[task.setVariable variable=third;isOutput=true]three
- ReadOnly variables, which are set with the flag `isReadonly=true`:
##vso[task.setVariable variable=second;isReadonly=true]two
- System variables (like
), which are documented here
Such variables must be referenced using macro syntax or runtime expression syntax.
Remember that if a variable is not defined at compile time, template expressions will be empty
Template string operations
Maybe you want to do forbidden magic. I understand.
Interpolating parameters into a script
Use convertToJson
to: convert to json
Handy if you know your way around jq
parameters: - name: 'environments' type: object default: - environment: development namespace: dev - environment: production namespace: prod steps: script: | printf '${{ convertToJson(parameters.environments) }}'