sed s/terraform/tofu
HCL language stuff
Some basic nice stuff:# Get module basename: basename(abspath(path.module))
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Iteration is kind of tricky in Terraform.
You're only permitted to iterate over a
OR a map(any)
For this reason you will often see people projecting a set of objects into a mapping
from an index (cast to string) to an objec
Provision a list of resources based on the contents of a map:
use each.key
and each.value
to access item key/values, respectively
# from a servicebus module resource "azurerm_servicebus_subscription" "subscription" { for_each = local.topic_subscriptions # . . . topic_id = "${local.namespace_id}/topics/${each.key}" max_delivery_count = each.value.max_delivery_count lock_duration = each.value.lock_duration }
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You can use the random
provider to generate a password
Use the keepers
property to manage regeneration
variable "password_timestamp" { description = "A description of the last time the dbadmin password was refreshed." type = string default = null } resource "random_string" "database_admin_password" { length = 25 special = true min_lower = 1 min_upper = 1 min_numeric = 1 min_special = 1 override_special = "@!_%" keepers = { "last_generated" = var.password_timestamp } } output "admin_password" { value = random_string.database_admin_password.result sensitive = true }
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Interpolate defaults for an object with nullable fields
Here we usecoalesce
to do, you guessed it, null coalescence
variable "some_object_configurations" { type = map(object({ rules = optional(set(string)) character = optional(string) stock = optional(number) items = optional(bool) })) default = { "example" = {} } } variable "some_object_config_defaults" { type = object({ rules = set(string) character = string stock = number items = bool }) default = { rules = ["fox only", "no items", final destination"] character = "fox" stock = 4 items = false } } locals { some_object_applied_configurations = { for object_name, object_config in var.some_object_configurations: object_name => { for k, v in object_config: k => coalesce(v, var.some_object_config_defaults[k]) } } }
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Use null-resource to run some command
resource "null_resource" "example_env" { # ... provisioner "local-exec" { command = "echo $FOO $BAR $BAZ >> env_vars.txt" environment = { FOO = "bar" BAR = 1 BAZ = "true" } } }