disastrs :: present! :: notes


I begin checking disks for my NAS build

badblocks doesn't know how to check a disk with more than 232 blocks.

I guess that for a hacker in the 90s, 18TB was unthinkably large

I suppose there was the old limit of 32-bit CPU architecture as well.

Other things

  • In a pinch, you can 1:1 mix little bit of coconut oil and baking soda to get deodorant
  • Fascinating

January 9th, 2025

The first disk passed the long smart check!

I move on to the second, which will complete some time tomorrow.

Also calculated power consumption for my NAS HDDs, and updated the NAS page.

January 10th, 2025

I said, "I want to spend all day in the shop"

Then, I spent all day in the shop

: : : :

It occurred to me that gi-bottoms are the hardest wearing clothes I own

I happen to think they're rather stylish too— and no elastic in the waistband

I repaired a torn belt-loop on an old pair and commissioned them as my new shop-pants

: : : :

My second disk has passed muster!

January 11th - January 13th, 2025

Spent much of the weekend in the woodshop

I've been engaged in an ongoing improvement of my office

Last summer I repainted it the colors of the sky -- but I never got the baseboards in

It's a rather strangely shaped room, as it's on the outer edge of an octagonal geodesic dome

The baseboards have joints at angles I found difficult, and I put them off.

On the 10th, I measured the room and cut them all, then painted them.

Then, on the 11th, I nailed them into the walls. To my horror and dismay (/s) I discovered the walls are somewhat crooked. Some of my baseboards, particularly on the outer wall, refuse to lay flat.

One can of foam-fill later, the outer-wall baseboards are laid flat.

I will admit that I became sloppy in my approach with the caulk. . .

: : : :

It's worth asking "Why am I doing this nice-to-have home-improvement projects, instead of making more music. Am I procrastinating?"

I do really love music, love to make it, love to practice guitar and look at sheet music and think about intervals and modes and about narratives and stories and scenes and characters and,

: : : :

When I say I'm going to do something, I really prefer to see that thing through.

Even when it's tedious or seemingly irrelevant, I would rather see it through.

I do want to do all of these other things too, and I will.

: : : :

I have these samples set aside in this project on the octatrack and when I put them together, things like this happen.

January 14th, 2025

Having this site as a public record keeps me writing to it, even if I'm the only one reading.


January 15th, 2025

please, no AI art.

: : : :

I was brushing semi-gloss varnish onto a chair and thought to myself--

"Fuck, I am bad at this"

: : : :

Mostly I am bad at things.

I'm pretty bad at things until I've done it for hours and hours and hours

Over and over and over and

: : : :

It's all art. If I'm serious about that, then that means it all really has to be art.

So many things to do.

: : : :

As I go about my day, I will have an idea like "oh, I should make a mix of a bunch of songs I like."

Oh, I should make a song that sounds like this:

Oh, I should draw little comics for these posts

Oh, I should write about ideas that I have, so that I can remember them.

Oh, I should get a matcha cup and brush, so that I can make "traditional" matcha

Oh, I should have a website that other people can read, and so that when I need to reference something I can go look at it.

There's a constellation here:

"Do things, to be in the habit of doing things"

"Limit the things you do, to make it easier to do those things."

Like water eroding a channel, the more focus/activity/attention/awareness in a direction blows shit out of the way

More awareness is always good.

I used to obsess about "authenticity", about going and living the "authentic" life

But I second-guessed a lot and thought that I couldn't decide on the "authentic" life. Is it studying hard and getting my degree, then going for graduate studies, then working in a lab to cure cancer and solve the problem of human mortality? Is it hitch-hiking across the country? Is it taking estrogen and going to parties and having a lot of unprotected sex? Is it shaving my hair and becoming a nun? Is it moving to the woods? Living off the land? Living off a sailboat? Getting married and having a family? A career? A million dollars?

I couldn't ever decide, see, they all sound good, but they're over there and I seem to be right here.

See, if I could dream of anything, and do that, maybe I'd dream of what and where I am right now.

so maybe the authentic life is whatever I can do, right here, with complete presence, avoiding nothing, needing nothing in particular other than what there is

It's a working hypothesis.

To get back to my original thought: I was thinking of doing something. If I do it, I'll post it [here].